19 Vegan Spring Recipes

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19 Vegan Spring Recipes | Naturally Ella

Whenever I think about my time living in the midwest, I think about the weather. I know, the weather can be such a surface level topic but for me, it kept me grounded. There was always that day in March. I'd throw open the windows, turn on the music, and breathe that first spring breathe. Every year it felt like I was breathing in refreshed energy. That moment is a favorite.

These vegan spring recipes are riding on that feeling. Along with the weather comes the fresh spring produce. Asparagus, carrots, greens, and beets. There's so much to be done with these vegetables and I always find spring to be a reinvigorating time in the kitchen.

19 Vegan Spring Recipes


Asparagus Stir-Fry with Miso Sauce

It wouldn't be a post about spring recipes without asparagus. I've heard sightings of the first spring asparagus in California and I couldn't be more excited. I typically do asparagus and eggs together but there's so many wonderful vegan asparagus recipes. My favorite three:



Dill Beet Chickpea Salad | Naturally Ella

While we have beets pretty much year-round, I find I love giving them the spring treatment: tons of fresh herbs, bright flavors, and salads (as many salads as I can get). Also, be sure to save those beet greens! You can easily use them in place of the kale or spinach in the recipes listed in those sections.



Curried Carrot Soup with Red Lentils | @naturallyella

Similar to beets, carrots are year-round here but the flavor of the spring carrot is unmatched. I love that carrots can work in those cold weather/warm dish recipes but also fit right in with the fresh, warm weather dishes.



Spinach and Red Lentil Masala | @naturallyella

I'm a picky greens eater. For spinach it has to be in one of three states: raw, barely wilted, or so cooked it's invisible. I don't really care for spinach the texture of wilted spinach. These recipes do a good job showcasing that range of spinach textures.



Kale Pasta with Sunflower Cream Sauce | Naturally Ella

I love cooked kale. It takes a bit more time to turn kale into a texture I don't like (see spinach) which makes it perfect for some of the heartier vegan spring recipes. I lean towards using lacinato kale but you could use any variety or even swap in chard.


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7 comments on “19 Vegan Spring Recipes”

  1. Looove these roundups and just pinned so many of them! Small request: It makes it so easy to save a bunch if they all open in a new tab. I'm just being lazy but just a small note! Thanks so much, Erin!!!

  2. thank you for all of these wonderful spring recipes, I know what you mean about the first warmth in the air, probably the smell too, when you realize (maybe only temporarily) that it's spring!

  3. It would be so much easier if these recipes were usable by the ap called Paprika, which I am sure many of your readers use


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Virtual hugs, Erin (aka: e.l.l.a.)

a few good grain recipes

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