Hello and welcome. I'm glad you're here.


Welcome to my little internet nook. On this site you'll find over a thousand vegetarian recipes, pantry knowledge, and more. I'm ever obsessed with food from gardening, cooking, and preserving. I hope you'll find endless inspiration on these pages and visit often. 

Virtual hugs, Erin (aka: e.l.l.a.)

a few good grain recipes

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beans. beans. beans.

This site is for everyone, whether you’re just starting your journey towards eating more vegetables, are a long-time cook who is seeking more information, or someone who wants to nerd out on good food.

Who am I? Just a person with a nearly two-decade obsession with all things vegetables, grains, and legumes. My journey started out one way (dieting) and bloomed into a constant thirst for learning and eating good, vegetarian food. The site has gone through many iterations over the years and, I thought, ended in 2020. However, sometimes we realize that all we need is a little break and insight into our lives to come back home. 

A lot has changed in those four years but my dedication to food has only grown stronger. I spent time publishing a 10-run short-form print zine, reading so many cookbooks, exploring food projects, and spending a lot of time in my garden. All of which changed me and led me back here.

At the end of the day, I want to inspire everyone to cook a little more produce-forward. Hopefully, in the process, falling in love and seeing the beauty I so enjoy. 

Thanks for stopping by and as always, don’t be a stranger.


Erin (aka: e.l.l.a.)


Welcome to my little internet nook. On this site you'll find over a thousand vegetarian recipes, pantry knowledge, and more. I'm ever obsessed with food from gardening, cooking, and preserving. I hope you'll find endless inspiration on these pages and visit often. 

Virtual hugs, Erin (aka: e.l.l.a.)

a few good grain recipes

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beans. beans. beans.

Have a nerdy food question, need a recipe recommendation, or just want to share something exciting you've made?
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