13 Vegetarian Beet Recipes

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13 Vegetarian Beet Recipes

Whenever I hear people talk about spring produce, it's usually centered around two items: asparagus and strawberries. I'm not saying that's bad, it's just there are so many other wonderful spring/early summer items that deserve a share of the spotlight. One of my favorites: beets.

They are irresistible at the farmers' market. The different varieties with their beautiful greens! It's easily three different meals in one bunch (thanks to the edible greens). Below are 13 of my favorite vegetarian beet recipes. There's something for everyone. Unless you think beets taste like dirt. There's probably nothing for you. (I'm looking at you, mom!)



Cracked Spelt Risotto with Roasted Beets | Vegetarian Beet Recipes

Beets tend to be tossed into salads (as evidence by the next section) but they shouldn't be ruled out for the star of dinner. Beets make for beautiful pasta, either as a sauce or added to the dough. They also are perfect for adding to risottos and even stuffed in sandwiches. I love the color of the red beets but often pick up chioggia beets because they tend to stain less.



Roasted Beet Salad with Herbs and Greens | Vegetarian Beet Recipes

As mentioned above, the more obvious use for beets is in salads. Grill them or roasted them; either way they are great with greens. If you're looking to roast beets, try roasting whole with the skin on. Let cool, peel, then dice for the salad. If the skin isn't too thick, I'll leave it on (it's a personal preference!)



Pecan Roasted Beet Dip with Sage | Naturally Ella | Vegetarian Beet Recipes

This category has two of my favorite recipes: the beet dip and the beet cupcakes. Both are great conversation starters and both are delicious. I find the recipes in this category can sometimes turn even the most picky eater into a beet lover.


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3 comments on “13 Vegetarian Beet Recipes”

  1. wow, thank you for helping me see beyond the salad with beets, I think they taste like earth, not dirt, but I like their flavor! Definitely unique and never thought of utilizing their greens either, maybe I'm used to a trimmed supermarket version instead of farmers market as you suggest, all great info, much appreciated!


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Virtual hugs, Erin (aka: e.l.l.a.)

a few good grain recipes

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