Roasted Beets and Burrata with Micro Greens

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Roasted Beets and Burrata, and Dressed Micro Greens
Chioggia Beets
Chioggia Beets
Roasted Chioggia Beets
Roasted Beets and Burrata, with Micro Greens
Beets and Burrata, with Micro Greens

I find it fascinating the life lessons I learn whenever I take a leap to something new. I've never been one to sit still and often take pride that I can tackle nearly anything that comes my way, usually in mass. But the truth is, over the past year of working for myself, I've found out many things that are more and more true everyday. I often pat myself on the back for being able to "multitask" like a champ but the truth is, one can never multitask which means I'm just moving rapidly between projects. This, in return, leads to projects that I'm not 100% happy with because I couldn't devote the time and detailed attention it takes. I'm learning more and more that attention to details is everything- in food, in photography, in web design, and when I multitask, detail is usually the first to go.

I have roughly one week left until my second manuscript is due on top of trying to promote the first book and keep up with all the freelance work and WSK business. It is too much and I'm not ashamed to say it. I have dreams of what comes after the next week is over. There will still be work but I'm looking forward to time spent on the beach, canning, hiking, reading, lunching with friends, and any other summer activities I refuse to miss. I'm looking forward to slowing down and not pretending to multitask.

I've been eating these type salads for some time now but this one is for when you want to feel fancy at home. It would seem that beet salads are the cool thing to put on menus. I've had my fair share of lackluster ones and so I set out to create my perfect one: roasted beets, a bit of fresh cheese, and a lightly dressed salad to top. I'm currently obsessing over micro greens. The different flavors from the different varieties can play such a big impact on the overall flavor of the meal.


Roasted Beets and Burrata with Micro Greens


  • Beets
  • 1 bunch chioggia beets
  • ½ tablespoon olive oil
  • ¼ teaspoon sea salt
  • Micro Greens
  • 1 cup micro greens
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • ½ teaspoon honey
  • Pinch salt and pepper
  • 2 ounces burrata


  1. Preheat oven to 400˚. Scrub beets and remove any wisps (or, peel the beet). Cut the beet in half and each half into ½" thick slices. Place in a roasting dish and toss with olive oil and sea salt. Roast for 40-45 minutes until beets are tender. Remove and let cool completely.
  2. Once beets are cool, assemble the dish. Place beets on a plate and add burrata pieces. Place micro greens in a bowl and in a separate bowl, whisk together the small amount of dressing. Pour over the micro greens and toss until coated. Top the beets with the micro greens and serve.


*I love chioggia beets not only for the color, but they do not bleed as much as red beets.

*If you can't find burrata specifically, fresh mozzarella will work as well.

*The variety of micro greens you use will change the flavor. I like using a mix of greens but radish and arugula are nice additions for the bit of bite they provide.


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13 comments on “Roasted Beets and Burrata with Micro Greens”

  1. This sounds like a delightful lunch salad! I love beets, and I bet they pair perfectly with creamy burrata.

  2. What a delightful summer salad. Love your words of wisdom on multitasking - you only get to walk through life once Erin. Glad for your insight - enjoy your summer : )

  3. I will never stop saying I don't know how you do it all. Rooting for you in this and the next weeks! You will make it! One detail at a time!

  4. I tried Chioggia beets for the first time last year and they have been my favorite so far - but I ate them raw. I suspect this salad would also be quite tasty with the raw beets, but I was also happy to see that yours retained the striped color after roasting!

  5. Erin, your recipes are simply marvelous and I'm coveting your book. Thank you so much.

  6. This looks delicious ~ it is so important to take time out to have a decent meal, especially when you are feeling overwhelmed. I would love to try this type of beet as well. Yum!

  7. Love love love beet salads, and this one looks perfect. Good luck with all the projects, and trust yourself with giving the best you can at busy times like this-- your best is pretty damn good!

  8. Looks delicious- I always put goats cheese or feta with beetroot in salads, but love the look of the burrata. Will have to give it a go.

  9. Oh, my mouth is watering. A salad instantly becomes more special with roasted root vegetables! And the burrata takes it to the next level again! 🙂
    (I admire your hard work and perseverance! You're incredible!)


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Virtual hugs, Erin (aka: e.l.l.a.)

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