Roasted Banana Whole Wheat Pancakes

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Pancakes were one of the earliest things I remember watching my mom make.  Granted, back then we used box mixes and doused our stacks in Aunt Jemima and Margarine (please don't hold this against me...)  Still, I remember studying my mom intensely trying to figure out how she got her pancakes so perfect.

I failed at making pancakes for years.

I know, it seems slightly strange that for someone who loves food so much couldn’t make something as simple as pancakes but trust me, it happened.

 Then one day I realized all I had to do was turn down the heat.  My problem had always been that I scorched the outside and the inside was still gooey (again, a “duh” moment but sometimes you have to learn the hard way- I was probably 13.)

I failed again at making pancakes this past weekend.  I was trying to make these lovely oatmeal pancakes from Kate and it wasn’t happening (I’m pretty sure my downfall was trying to use pumpkin-I didn't have any bananas.)

 I failed twice and by the third time (late Sunday morning), I gave in and went to the store to get bananas.  I came home, said “screw it” and made pancakes I knew wouldn’t let me down (by this point in time my whole thought process was "pancake, pancake, pancake, coffee, pancake.")

I didn't let the previous failures get me down.  I danced around the kitchen, waving my wooden spoon while I  sang some goofy song about bananas. and pancakes. and I’m pretty sure there was a chorus about maple syrup (you can’t leave out the maple syrup.)

I thought about recording it but I realized

a. you had to be there

b. the last thing you need to hear is my voice (there’s a reason I’m a BAND conductor…)

 I’m sure I’ll go back to that recipe but that’s just it.  Cooking and baking is a lot of trial and error.  There’s frustrating moments and moments that make me go, “can’t I just order in?”  But once a meal clicks together, it’s magical.

These pancakes clicked together.  Seriously.  I don’t think it gets any better than roasted banana.  The pancakes tasted like I was eating banana bread straight from the oven.  (I might even try the oatmeal recipe with the roasted bananas!)


Roasted Banana Whole Wheat Pancakes

  • Author: Erin Alderson
  • Prep Time: 10 mins
  • Cook Time: 30 mins
  • Total Time: 40 minutes
  • Yield: 2 1x


  • 2 bananas
  • 1 cup whole wheat pastry flour (or regular ww flour)
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 teaspoons maple syrup
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon oil (coconut, sunflower, walnut, or melted butter)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/2 - 3/4 cup milk
  • Topping:
  • 1/3 cup Pecans
  • Butter
  • Maple Syrup


  1. Preheat oven to 375˚ and place whole bananas (in peel) on a baking tray. Let roast for 15-20 minutes. Bananas peels should be dark brown and softened.
  2. While bananas roast, place pecans in a skillet and let toast for 4-5 minutes over medium heat. Seat aside.
  3. Turn off oven and place an oven-safe plate inside for keeping pancakes warm.
  4. In a medium bowl, combine all dry ingredients and give a good stir. In a separate bowl, mash one banana and whisk together with the wet ingredients. Pour over dry ingredients, stir just until combined-don't over mix. If batter thickens too much (and isn't easily pourable) and a bit more milk.
  5. Heat a skillet over medium heat. When skillet is hot (if you flick water onto the skillet, it should sizzle), take about 1/4 cup of batter and pour onto skillet. Let cook for 1-2 minutes (until the pancakes begins to bubble slightly. Flip and let cook for another 1-2 minutes until pancake is cooked through.
  6. Place in oven and continue with remaining batter.
  7. Top final pancakes with butter, pecans, remaining roasted banana, and a bit of maple syrup.

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30 comments on “Roasted Banana Whole Wheat Pancakes”

  1. Your banana pancakes look great! I thought for sure that pumpkin would be a fine sub for bananas in my recipe, but I guess not! What was wrong with them?

    1. They wouldn't set up! I think that there is either a higher liquid content or I just used too much pumpkin (which would be my guess.) I'm going to try them again and tweak how much pumpkin I use!

      1. I bet that's it. Please let me know if you get it right next time! I think a pumpkin oat pancake would be delicious.

  2. I grew up on pancake mixes too and for the longest time, didn't know any better! Nothing beats pancakes made from scratch! This one looks awesome!

    1. Agree! Once I learned how to make pancakes from scratch I couldn't believe I didn't do it sooner!

  3. I've just eaten my lunch and now I'm hungry again looking at these photos. Perfect recipe to try out this weekend - can't wait!

  4. Not gonna lie...pancakes are my Achilles heel as well! Maybe I just need to try this recipe...and start singing to them as I go.

  5. I have never heard of roasting bananas - it sounds so delicious, but I doubt I ever would have thought of it! Thanks for the recipe - I can't wait to try it out on my family!

  6. These are lovely! And I love bananas so much, I'm going to have to try this.
    I finally got pancakes this year as well - it took a long time. And now we eat them at least once a week for dinner, and sometimes on the weekend mornings, too. 🙂

  7. Hi! This looks absolutely delightful and I would love to try sometime. I just have one question about the banana roasting part. Do you keep the peel on or remove it before putting it in the oven? Thanks 🙂

    1. Wondering the same thing. Seems smarter to leave the peels on from other roasting projects, but I am not sure? Anyone know? Would love to make these right now.

      1. Sorry I've been away from my computer! Peel on and the peel will brown around the banana!

  8. i too would like to know about the peel - off or on? will try this recipe for our sunday breakfast 🙂

  9. Just made these and eating them while typing this. These are DELLISHHH. I added a few chocolate chips to some of them and instead of pecans (which I did not own) I roasted walnuts instead, still taste awesome. It has a good sweetness to it that's not overpowering (the banana and a bit of maple syrup) tastes really balanced with the bitterness of walnuts. Thanks for the recipe, I willl definitley share with friends 🙂

  10. This recipe looks delicious, and I have all the ingredients! Do you think this recipe would work for waffles too, or would I need to reduce the liquid and up the bp?

    1. I usually use this recipe for waffles as well without trouble- you might need to reduce the liquid just slightly, but not by much!


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Virtual hugs, Erin (aka: e.l.l.a.)

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