Honey-Jalapeño Roasted Acorn Squash

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 I may have jumped the gun a bit on this one but I get super excited for fall.  I am ready for the crisp, cool nights, the apples and sweet potatoes, and the cozy blankets with camp fires.

This girl loves fall (so much so, we picked a wedding date a year from this October)!

So when I ventured to the farmers' market and saw acorn squash, I couldn't resist.  Sure, I still have a kitchen full of tomatoes, zucchini, and peppers but really, this is the best time of year.  The overlapping seasonal produce creates endless flavor possibilities.

The skin is hit and miss with acorn squash.  I've had squash where the skin was thin enough that it made for perfect eating while I have had others that felt like I was eating leather.  If this happens, simply scoop the squash out and enjoy with the rice, I promise you aren't missing anything.  You can also use Delicata squash in place of the acorn (which tend to have thinner shells).   


Honey-Jalapeño Roasted Acorn Squash

  • Author: Erin Alderson
  • Yield: 3-4 1x


  • 1 acorn squash
  • 1 jalapeño pepper
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 2 tablespoons lime
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup uncooked brown rice (or other grain)
  • cilantro, for topping


  1. Preheat oven to 400˚.
  2. Cut acorn squash in half, scoop out insides, and cut each half into four wedges. Place shell side down in the baking pan.
  3. Mince jalapeño and garlic. Whisk with olive oil, honey, lime, and salt. Brush over acorn squash.
  4. Bake squash for 20 minutes and brush extra jalapeño mixture over acorn squash. Bake for another 10-20 minutes until squash is tender and golden brown.
  5. Cover rice with water and bring to a boil. Cook for 30-35 minutes until tender.
  6. Layer roasted squash over rice. Drizzle with juice from the bottom of the pan and sprinkle with cilantro.

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25 comments on “Honey-Jalapeño Roasted Acorn Squash”

  1. I totally agree with you that this is the best time of year at the farmers market. I saw the first apples last week sitting next to heaps of melons and peaches and thought I was in heaven. My market didn't have squash yet - but maybe it will today! Winter squash is my favorite!

  2. I am with you Ella...Fall is the best. I love everything about it and have been dreaming about pumpkin recipes and drinking apple cider for months. This squash recipe looks incredible and I love your choice of ingredients. I never thought to spice up an acorn squash with jalapeno before!

  3. I love the combination of sweetness and spice with honey (and the squash, of course) and jalapenos! I'm definitely looking forward to fall food--jumping the gun sounds pretty good to me!

  4. This is an interesting flavor combination! I can see what you are thinking with this one though- with the sweet, spicy and zesty. I can't wait to test it out or at least work with these inspirational ingredients in another form!

  5. I love the flavours here! Totally reminiscent of summer but still celebrates fall!

    I adore fall as well. Definitely my favourite season.

  6. That is a great flavor combo of honey and Jalapeno. Spicy and Sweet! I am more of a summer girl but I am looking forward to apples and pears for sure 🙂

  7. I am definitely excited for fall. September/October are my favourite months. I've been making lists upon lists of ideas for dishes showcasing autumn produce. I cannot wait to get started! I am excited to try this dish out. Love that you paired acorn squash with honey and jalapeño - perfect combo of sweet and spicy 🙂

    ps. October is a GREAT month to set a wedding date. When I get married one day, I definitely hope to plan a wedding for one of the fall months.

    1. I happy I have a fiance that was okay with fall (in fact I think he loves it almost as much as i do 🙂

      1. Hi Lakshmi!
        I actually grind my own flour from white wheat berries. The grinder has a pastry setting that seems to do the trick! As for the light, side light filtered through a white sheet with white board on the other side to bounce (with a bit of touch-up in lightroom)!

  8. I'm right there with you - while filling up my bag with zucchini, eggplant and peppers at the farmers market today, I simply couldn't resist a big ol' butternut squash too 🙂

  9. [...] last night we started with some delicious corn and cilantro crostini, followed by a wonderful roasted honey jalapeno squash, and a fresh garden salad. My only modification to the squash recipe was I had a mystery squash and [...]

  10. I made this tonight and it was fantastic! I ate at least two thirds of the squash by myself. Thankfully, there was enough meat to keep my boyfriend preoccupied. Thanks!

  11. I like the way you format the recipe because I can save it in my Paprika app. Usually recipes from blogs can't be saved.


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Virtual hugs, Erin (aka: e.l.l.a.)

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