Shaved Asparagus Pizza with Gorgonzola

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Shaved Asparagus Pizza with Gorgonzola

When it comes to pizza toppings, I tend to be a bit adversed to cooking the toppings before having to cook the pizza- I only do it if the topping is really better cooked. With this asparagus pizza, by shaving the asparagus, it cooks perfectly with the pizza. Also, if you've never shaved asparagus before- it can be fairly easy. I have a quick video below but the key is to find a flat-handled utensil to lift the asparagus off the cutting board. I use a kitchen brush but anything that's flat will work. Also, look for slightly thicker asparagus- it's easier to shave!


Shaved Asparagus and Gorgonzola Pizza

  • Author: Erin Alderson
  • Prep Time: 20 mins
  • Cook Time: 10 mins
  • Total Time: 30 mins
  • Yield: 3-4 1x


  • 3/4 lb of asparagus
  • 6 scallions, diced (both whites and most of the greens)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil, divided
  • Cornmeal, for dough
  • 1 ball of pizza dough (store-bought or homemade)
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 4 ounces mozzarella cheese, shredded
  • 2 ounces gorgonzola, crumbled


  1. Prep asparagus by shaving into thin slices (see video below). Toss with the diced scallions and 1 tablespoon of the olive oil. Asparagus should be well coated with scallions and olive oil.
  2. Preheat oven to 500˚ with a pizza stone.
  3. Sprinkle cornmeal on a large enough cutting board. Knead/toss/roll out dough to roughly a 14" circle. Brush with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and sprinkle garlic over the crust.
  4. Add the shaved asparagus over the pizza evenly, it's okay if it's mounded as it will cook down as the pizza cooks.
  5. Sprinkle with the shredded mozzarella and gorgonzola. Carefully transfer the pizza to the stone and bake until the crust is golden and the cheese is bubbling, 10 to 14 minutes (depending on how well your oven keeps heat).
  6. Carefully remove the pizza, let cool for 5 minutes, then cut and serve.

How to Shave Asparagus

Asparagus Pizza


Once you master the shaving technique, this asparagus pizza becomes a breeze and is one of my favorite ways to celebrate spring. Of course, I know that not everyone is a fan of gorgonzola, so below are some ideas to work around that.

Cheese: Swap in your favorite pizza cheese. I personally love smoked cheeses (a smoked mozzarella is great) or try goat cheese in place of the gorgonzola.

Gluten-Free: Want pizza but need it gluten-free? Try your hand at making your own pizza crust.

Scallions: One of the things I love most about spring is the wide array of Allium's at the market. Try green garlic, spring onions, or spring leeks in place of the scallions.

Shaved Asparagus Pizza
+ Recipe first posted on April 16th, 2012. Last updated on April 10th, 2016.

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42 comments on “Shaved Asparagus Pizza with Gorgonzola”

  1. This pizza looks fabulous! I just posted a recipe for a spring salad featuring roasted asparagus and blue cheese - such a delicious combination =).

  2. I am in agreement with crap collection. I moved to the US with one big bag 4 years ago, now I have stuff that can fit a small house. Sadly though, it's not furniture or anything like that, it's mostly books and papers. Why oh why do I carry those old papers I wrote in college? No clue. This summer, when I have time... They will be discarded. I love the simple pizza, it's so green and fresh!

  3. Everything about this post is beautiful and I couldn't agree with you more when it comes to simplifying...

  4. Isn't it amazing that amount of junk we get? When we were first married we moved into our two bedroom apartment and it was empty except a old, yucky table and one bed that was given to us. Then we got the wedding presents (Yay for shower curtains, etc!). Then someone gave us this. My students gave me tons of THAT. I couldn't help but buy this do-dad. And now, we have STUFF. Lots of it. Every Spring I go through all of my cupboards and purge, but I need to be better at it. Good for you!

    And the pizza looks yummy 🙂

    1. Thank you Sarah! I can barely eat take-out because I always feel like it's too overloaded with stuff!

  5. Looks so fresh and delicious!

    (I love the "I came from Target" part of your story - it's so hard to avoid the impulse!)

    1. Ha- I would be the crazy lady in Target talking to herself because the "do I really need this" conversations mainly happen while I'm there!

  6. I try to go through our stuff every spring (spring cleaning kind of thing) and look at what we need/want. It's hard sometimes to let things go, but I always donate it- and I know it'll get to have a home (somewhere).

    Gorgeous pizza, and I'm definitely going to have to try this topping! Gorgonzola is where it's at!

  7. Good for you! I am definitely always working hard to keep lots of meaningless clutter out of the house. It's tough sometimes, but the peaceful & personal house we get in return is well worth it. 🙂

  8. I definitely have a TON of clutter in my apartment and every few months I go through a binge where I get rid of EVERYTHING I haven't used or thought about in the interim. I just hate having things I don't need. So then for about a month the apartment is clean...and then I somehow clutter things up again. Sigh. It's an endless battle.

    I love the simplicity of your pizza! Asparagus is so good right now, it doesn't need barely anything else to accompany it!

  9. I adore the style you've developed 🙂 And love that you tell stories with your photos. I love the mood and the feel of your photos. I'm glad you are staying true to yourself & finding pieces that are meaningful to you.

    And this pizza looks incredible!

  10. This is a great post, Erin. When I first started my blog, I went out 'prop' shopping, came home with cool stuff and couldn't take a picture I liked to save my life. Nothing felt right, until I took it all away and just used a cutting board, some parchment paper and my own bowls. I feel the same way as you - I need some history, some life built into my pictures.

    This pizza looks lovely!

    1. I'm really glad I'm not the only one. I bought so many pieces of fabric to serve as napkins and dishes that only sat on a lonely shelf in the basement- all of which was barely used because I ended up using my day-to-day dishes.

  11. I'm always trying to simplify things...especially my cooking. But it's easier said than done! I'm loving this simple combo of ingredients on your pizza.

  12. I'm so with you on this one. Simplicity! I crave it. I've been doing some spring cleaning and I'm getting rid of some of the props that don't fit my true style. I don't even like the concept of a food photography "prop". I just want stuff in my pictures that I use even when I'm cooking without my camera! You have great style and I look forward to watching it further evolve as time goes on. Last but not least, I LOVE shaved asparagus.

    1. I completely agree about "props." The dishes I love lend themselves well to photography anyway so why have extra sitting around!

  13. You're the second person who has written about simplicity this week and I love it. I find myself sometimes adding and adding to recipes when instead I need to think about taking a step back and sticking to something simple. Thanks for this great lesson! Your pizza looks beautiful :).

    1. Thank you! The more I explore produce, the more I really want it to be the star (and not an overload of spices!)

  14. Your photos are absolutely beautiful and this pizza looks amazing! I totally agree about simplicity! Let the food shine in its glory 🙂

  15. I have to say, I have many, many food blogs bookmarked, and yours is becoming one of my very favorites! Keep it up, and thanks for the inspiration!! 🙂

  16. Simplicity is good. And you made me want to go declutter, really look at the things I own.
    I prefer the more natural look in food photography. I think the really staged photographs are fine for in a magazine, but for a blog done by one person, it doesnt really appeal to me.

  17. I've only been following your blog for a short while but I quite enjoy it. Your recent post is like my subconscious coming to life...I am so tired of clutter! Perhaps it's spring fever but I just want to get rid of half of my stuff!! I keep telling my husband that we don't need to buy anything (except groceries). I feel like I'm drowning in consumerism. Keep it simple--life and food! Although investing in good cookware is worthwhile.

    1. I completely agree about both the drowning (but of course, good cookware is worth to keep around!)

  18. great post! i love simple. and i love these toppings! i'm 31 and i live in a 500 sf studio apartment. i've recently discovered that i don't care about anything i own, i don't own much, and it really is best to make what you have count.

  19. This looks amazing! Love the pics, and the comments about simplicity. We've been meaning to try shaved asparagus - haven't tried it yet! Is the raw taste strong?

  20. This pizza is fantastic. I'm not a big gorgonzola fan so I made it with sheep's milk feta and I made it on gluten free girl's whole grain gf pizza crust. A match made in heaven! keep making amazing simple and veggie based recipes!

    1. Thank you ashley! Love the subs you made (I've been meaning to make the gluten-free crust and you've given me a good reason to try!)

  21. Really loved the shaved asparagus - I used the 'Brooklyn Bred' premade pizza crusts to save time, and pulled out my homemade pesto for sauce, topped with the shaved asparagus, caramalized onions, and cheese.yum! So glad for the shaved asparagus idea!!!

  22. I am asparagus obsessed at the moment...I know you can relate 🙂 I made this last night but did it on store bought lavash for more of a flatbread style of pizza. Popped it in the toaster oven, and honestly it was incredible!! Thank you for all your recipes! I am a super fan 🙂


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Virtual hugs, Erin (aka: e.l.l.a.)

a few good grain recipes

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