23 Vegetarian Soup Recipes for Fall

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Close-up photograph of an overhead white dutch oven with red lentils, tomato sauce, and cauliflower.

One thing about living in California is that soup weather slides in almost unnoticed. We still have warm temperatures during the day but at night, it cools quickly. Sweaters come on, blankets come out, and dinners become a bit richer.

Below is a solid start for my favorite soups, stews, and chilis. I didn’t mean to include this many but I have a lot of favorites. I never make a soup the same way because it’s really fun to riff.

One thing: invest in something that can puree. My high-speed blender is the only appliance I leave on the counter and it creates the best pureed soups. However, they are expensive. My other go-to is an immersion blender. It’s great because it’s smaller, a bit cheaper, and you don’t have to transfer the soup.

Pureed Soup

Coriander Sweet Potato Soup with Buckwheat Granola | Naturally Ella

The classic and easily made from most vegetables. It was hard to choose just a couple to share. However, one major note: watch consistency. I know it might not seem like a big deal but I’m a stickler. The soup should have body but not be overly thick. Save the thickness for the stews.


Peanut Stew with Sweet Potatoes and Spinach

I only make these when I have good bread, it’s a necessity for me. I just love being able to sop up the good broth along with eating all the good vegetables and beans. There’s a wide range here but one things for sure: make sure you have good broth!


Bulgur Vegetarian Chili

I love a good bowl of chili. The combination of a spicy tomato base and beans is a winning combination. Add a slab of cornbread, I’ll be as happy as can be. The bulgur chili is my favorite but there’s a couple alternatives here as well. Also, don’t be afraid to mix up serving. I just love a chili-loaded potato or sweet potato.


Lentil Stew with Potatoes | Naturally Ella

I pulled these out because sometimes people are looking specifically for lentil recipes. I’ll use any variety of lentil. Because red lentils are hulled and split, they are good for creamier soups while the black, green, and French lentils work well for stews with texture.

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Welcome to my little internet nook. On this site you'll find over a thousand vegetarian recipes, pantry knowledge, and more. I'm ever obsessed with food from gardening, cooking, and preserving. I hope you'll find endless inspiration on these pages and visit often. 

Virtual hugs, Erin (aka: e.l.l.a.)

a few good grain recipes

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