Roasted Pumpkin Frittata with Goat Cheese and Arugula Salad

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Roasted Pumpkin Frittata with Goat Cheese

The beginning of the year is a great time to start fresh, especially with eating (even though I'd much prefer to start fresh with summer produce, winter produce will do).


I always feel sluggish after the holidays. The heavy meals coupled with going out to eat with friends and family that are home always leave me less than happy. I tend to sleep longer, get more acne, and feel (overall) lazy. And so, I use the beginning of January to assess my eating habits. I clean out the refrigerator, jot down ideas for new recipes, and head to the store to start anew.

sliced pumpkin

I don't abide by the idea of cleanses or anything of that nature, I simply get back into my rhythm of a whole-foods diet. More plants, beans, and grains. Also with being sick, I've stopped my coffee intake and made the switch to tea. I'm always amazed at how much better I feel.

Roasted Pumpkin Frittata with Goat Cheese and Arugula Salad

Small changes make such a big impact!

Roasted Pumpkin Frittata with Arugula Salad


Roasted Pumpkin Frittata with Goat Cheese and Arugula Salad

Cutting a pumpkin can sometimes be a pain- butternut squash or sweet potatoes make a nice (and easy) substitute.

  • Author: Erin Alderson
  • Prep Time: 10 mins
  • Cook Time: 40 mins
  • Total Time: 50 mins


  • For the pumpkin
  • 1 small pumpkin
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • Seeds from pumpkin
  • sprinkle of salt
  • For the Frittata
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 ounces goat cheese
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • For the salad
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 2 handfuls of arugula
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
  • (pumpkin seeds/goat cheese)


  1. Preheat oven to 375˚.
  2. Take pumpkin and cut off top. Slice in half and scoop out the insides, reserving seeds for roasting. Cut each side in half and from there, cut each quarter of pumpkin into 1″ strips. Continue to cut pumpkin in to 1″ cubes and slice off shell on each piece. Cut pumpkin pieces in to ½” pieces. Toss with 1 teaspoon olive oil and roast until tender, 25 minutes.
  3. Rinse seeds, removing any pumpkin left on them and pat dry on a towel. Spread out on a baking tray, sprinkle a pinch of salt, and roast until crispy, 18-20 minutes.
  4. In an 8" cast iron skillet, heat 2 teaspoon olive oil over medium-low. Add minced garlic and cook until fragrant, 1-2 minutes. Whisk together eggs, milk, and 1/8 teaspoon salt. Add roasted pumpkin and egg mixture to pan. Increase heat to medium and let cook until bottom begins to set, 5-6 minutes.
  5. Transfer skillet to oven and continue to cook until top is set, another 8-10 minutes.
  6. While frittata is baking, whisk together olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Toss with arugula, pumpkin seeds, and goat cheese.
  7. When frittata is done, serve warm with salad on top.



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144 comments on “Roasted Pumpkin Frittata with Goat Cheese and Arugula Salad”

  1. Beautiful images Erin! I love Michael Pollan's books, he has a great way of making things seem so simple.

  2. Hmm I think I'd like to cook more with a few things that are one trick ponies for me...tahini (hummus), almond butter (almond butter sandwich)...try to add some variety!

  3. I just bought a Hurom Juicer and plan to make a fresh juice most days. I started last year (2012) with apple, ginger, lemon juice and want to drink more green juices this year.

  4. I would like to cook more.. cultural food. I feel like a lot of food I eat has lost any cultural significance and I would like to go back more to my Asian heritage. Plus, cultural foods have a lot of history behind the flavors. (:

  5. I want to cook more with shallots! I have a stock-pile and need to use them up!

  6. I got a spiralizer for Christmas so I'd love to make more raw "noodle" dishes - zuchinni, beet, sweet potato!

  7. I am hoping to cook with more fresh products in 2013, and also come up with more recipes that I can use throughout the week.

  8. i want to cook more black eyed peas. i ate them yesterday and couldn't think of a reason why i on't eat them more often.

  9. this looks delicious! i love arugula. this year i'd like to cook with more beans and lentils! the real deal too - less canned and more that i soak/cook myself.

  10. This looks beautiful!! And so satisfying. I have been dying to make more frittatas!

  11. i'm hoping to make a new recipe every week this year. more raw vegetables in my diet and less processed sugar. thanks!

  12. I'd like to cook with more greens and veggies I normally dislike (OK, hate). I know I'm going to need to get past it someday!

  13. I am already a big fan of cooking with all sorts of veggies. This year I would like to cook with more lentils of all varieties.

  14. I plan to cook more with seafood this year. I don't know why, but it kind of freaks me out to cook/bake it. I'm going to put on my big girl pants and do it this year, though! 🙂

  15. I'd like to learn to incorporate more greens besides {kale, chard, arugula, spinach} -- so using things like dandelion greens more often, and figuring out ways to consume {turnip greens, kohlrabi greens, etc.} that aren't just soup. 🙂

  16. I'd love to find new ways of cooking beets and turnips (roots in general, really..) because they are so good for you..they are powerhouse food, sooo underrated! Love your blog keep up the good work!

  17. I'm going to try to cook with more fake-meats. My boyfriend always complains that he's not full after vegetarian meals so I want to try to give him more substantial things (in his mind).

  18. I want to cook more with spinach and shitakes mushrooms. I love the way they feel in my body. Cheers, Ingrid

  19. I would love to bake more of my own breads and sprout more of my own beans and seeds!

    1. i accidentally sprouted my black eyed peas this year...i wanted to keep the sprouts but they started to fuzz over.

  20. What a fun giveaway!! This looks amazing too! I want to cook with more winter produce, like pumpkin, butternut squash and zucchini! We've got a little one who just started eating solids, so those are his foods of choice right now! 🙂

  21. I am hoping to begin to cook more variety of grains. In 2012 I really started to explore all the seasonal produce, but we are always accompanying meals with either brown rice or quinoa. Would love to branch out and try some new ones!

  22. I really want to bake more with coconut flour. This recipe looks so good by the way!!

  23. i'd like to get more comfortable with whole grains. i did some of this in 2012, but only really scratched the surface... i'd also like to work more with asian foods, particularly indian and malaysian and the like. intimidating, but so rewarding!

  24. I'm going to start cooking with more whole grains, lentils, and beans, and I'm looking forward to it!

  25. On my list of things to make this year: bean sprouts and some more infused olive oils. And making more breakfast cereals for myself.

  26. I really need more veggies in the new year!!! I think I will check out some vegetarian dishes to get my family's intake higher 🙂

  27. I want to incorporate a diversity of veggies into my cooking... unique ones that I don't ordinarily use like leeks, acorn squash, etc!

  28. I want to cook more fish! I always order it when out but never make it at home!

  29. 2012 was all about quinoa and coconut oil (not because of the blog, lol)....2013 will focus on cutting out as much processed food as possible (we do this already as far as HFCS and hydrogenated oils), baking more and using our new slow cooker.

    1. oh, and more vegan cooking as my husband has recently cut dairy from his diet.

  30. I'm in the middle of The Omnivore's Dilemma right now. :o) I'd really like to do more homemade soup, and work on my bread baking skills.

  31. Kale. I've been playing with it lately but need to up my game. My eight month old daughter loved the crispy roasted kale I made her this week but she despised the steamed kale. I need more experience with it.

  32. My friend raises goats and so I have a ton of chevre to deal with and this seems like a great way to go! Yummmy!

  33. This recipe calls for the ingredient-pumpkin! No more pumpkin purée out of a can for this lady.

  34. Frittata sounds perfect. My food challenges for 2013 are pigs trotters (actually a challenge left over from 2012, bought them at the end of December but holiday food took over), home made cannoli (shells and all) and a propper cassoulet.

  35. In 2013, both mine and my boyfriend's goal is to learn how to make bread, especially sourdough. And of course, keep cooking delicious foods like this!

  36. It's not really one ingredient- but I want to make more visits to the farmers's market this year! We had to give up our CSA this past year - my hubby had kidney stones the year prior- potentially from the overabundance of okra and other vegies we were getting in our CSA- no stones this year as we stuck to more basic vegies- but I miss my CSA surprises each week!!

  37. I'm always a little intimidated by figs. How to prepare them and how to use them raw & cooked. I would like to explore their use in savory dishes too, with onions, cheese, etc.

  38. I have been working out everyday for over a year now. It seems like I am at a plateau, and I am ready to get serious about my health. I would love a copy of your book about eating well.

  39. Lentils. I've been a vegetarian for two years now. I use beans, quinoa and veggies for most of my meals. I would love to start using lentils more.

  40. I want to incorporate more whole grains in general and, more specifically, the "pseudo grains" - amaranth, quinoa, and buckwheat.

  41. This sounds wonderful! I have roasted butternut squash from an overabundant CSA in my freezer.

  42. I love that you use the whole pumpkin. In the past I've been daunted with the task of the "whole" pumpkin , but I am definetely going to give it another try . Thx for the great recipe!

  43. I'm excited to begin cooking with swiss chard and kale more often! Gotta love the leafy greens. Your frittata looks delish. I must try, but roasted pumpkin is such a hassle sometimes...

  44. I'd like to cook more veggies overall, but with various squash varieties in particular. More veggies and whole grains, less animal proteins.

  45. I've discovered the brilliance of brussel sprouts and want to cook more with the guys! Once upon a time, I loathed brussel sprouts. My dog, not coincidentally, was fed large portions of them- slid stealthily underneath the table cloth for him on a platter of my hand. I tried them again recently and realized it's now love. I need to make up for lost time!

  46. What a nourishing and tasty frittata! I want to cook more with chard and kale in 2013.

  47. Avocados, since they are DELiSH and available year round. Also, recipes to use flour alternatives- arrow root, Garbanzo flour, etc. thanks! Love the book!

  48. i'm planning to cook up more big pots of grains, beans, and lentils and cut back on pricey and processed faux-meats. i'd also like to do more improvisational cooking -- i'll be keeping more veggies on hand to cook up for quick stir fries, tacos, etc, to avoid the default of going out to eat.

  49. I want to cook more with quinoa. It is so versatile & can be used in all sorts of recipes.

  50. That looks amazing! I love goat cheese! this year I want to cook with greens more often-I just picked up some baby kale.

  51. Just found your lovely blog and it is stunning. I am hoping to have more success with a garden this year, it will be my third attempt. Eating homegrown food is the best; I just have to figure out how to grow it well!

  52. Inspired by your post, I want to eat more squash. Winter squash, summer squash, any squash! I love cooking with it, but so often winter squashes take a lot of effort. I want to look past that and incorporate these wonderful foods into my diet more. As a vegetarian, squash can add such variety!

  53. Greens! Grown here in my garden! In NC, that is not too hard a thing to do. I'm waiting on the soil to dry a bit and then to plant some kale. I have collards in the ground now, peas will go in the first of Feb. Food from our farm tastes the best and is the freshest 🙂

  54. Kale!! Just discovered kale chips - would like to find a variety of ways to incorporate kale into our diet!

  55. I am trying to incorporate more green veggies into my diet. This dish looks amazing--beautiful photos too!

  56. Thank you for the inspiration and support for fine tuning the body with nutrition and wise practices! The people around me want more decadence rather than healthso, I need your

  57. Happy new year! I love greens, but I tend to stay away from the winter root vegetables. So I'd like to experiment cooking more with parsnips, turnips, rutabagas, and family.

  58. Your recipe looks lovely! I saw the post on pintrest and it seems you have captured many people's thought process about eating for the new year!

    I have always liked Kale, but used it sparingly. My new goal is to see how I can incorporate into my meal plans at least once per week!

    Good luck with your goal and Happy Healthy New Year!

  59. Kale and other hearty greens always make me feel healthier when I eat them, so I definitely want to start using them more.

  60. I'd love to cook more Australian native plants (since I moved to Sydney from D.C) such as wild parsnip and currants!

  61. I have two: Fennel and Spaghetti Squash. I'm fairly new to and in love with both. The fennel for the great flavor, the squash for the fantastic texture.

  62. Happy new year!!! This year I would like to cook more lentils. I feel that I cook too much beans that they have taken over my legumes palate...

  63. happy new years Ella!!!! thank you so much for your posts! i love your photography and recipes!!! a food i would like to start working with more is tofu/tempeh!

  64. I've just gotten into the whole quinoa (and other interesting grains) thing, so I'm looking to do more with it this year.

  65. I am looking forward to cooking more venison and with eggs (as all of my 13 layers get going this spring).

  66. I would love to cook/bake with more pumpkin since I have so much of it!

  67. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about some rice and quinoa, but I really want to start using different and new grains more often.

  68. More vegetable based soups this year! I get oddly excited about getting back to eating healthy in the New Year - all those sweets over the holidays are fun, but I'm always glad to say farewell when it's all over.

  69. Arugula! I know it's great, but I'm never sure quite what I should do with it. This recipe is a great start 🙂

  70. I see I'm not the only one who wants to do more cooking with kale! I was a little hesitant to use it at first, because my partner is not always enthusiastic about green things, but I tried a recipe from Neil Perry's 'Rockpool' cookbook and now he's a convert. I can't wait to try more things with it.

  71. Hi Erin, such a lovely blog, I always enjoy reading your recipes. I would like to cook more with black salsify this year. I think it's a rather uncommon winter vegetable, but so velvety and nutty in taste, even similar to asparagus - it is a pity you don't find it more often in restaurants or markets either.

  72. My goal is to utilize Hazelnuts more in my cooking. I love their flavor but have pigeon-holed them to just a few recipes I know of. Time to branch out and explore their potential! 🙂

  73. I've really been into making egg dishes the past few months (frittatas, quiches), so this recipe looks great! My pinterest food boards are overrun with your posts; love them 🙂 This year I'd like to expand my tofu and tempeh repetoir... something other than thai curry peanut stir fry would be nice! (Although it's delicious)

  74. My goal is to use different kinda of squash in my cooking this year. I've been sticking to the usual butternut and spaghetti...and I was to start trying acorn, delicata squash. And I want to cook them using coconut oil!

  75. I want to expand my range of vegetables, especially greens. Right now I mostly use spinach and an occasional kale. I'd love to join a CSA to try new veggies and recipes!

  76. I LOVE frittatas and the idea of using pumpkin is awesome! I'll try this next time. Glad to have found your blog 🙂

  77. I want to cook more out of the garden this year and make more frequent trips to the farmer's market. I want to replace our usual protein + veggies with some interesting dinner salads that include whole grains, fruits, nuts, etc.

  78. I've been feeling pretty blah after the holidays myself. I have a small pumpkin in my pantry that is just begging to be turned into this frittata.

  79. Michael Pollan is a favorite of mine. My food habits have changed substantially and I've lost a fair bit of weight. Went on my first vacation since beginning Morano's "17-day diet" and didn't gain an ounce!!! I eat lots of spinach, mushrooms, spices, eggs, squash, buckwheat etc all recent topics of my blog - :). I love your recipe!

  80. Recently found out about your blog trough pintrest. Nice! How many will serve with this receipt? Greets from the netherlands.

  81. I just bought a red-veined sorrel for my patio, so I'll be throwing the leaves in with my salads. My goal is to have several edibles this year- rather than merely ornamental plants.

  82. Coconut flour. As someone with Celiac Disease, I have heard that coconut flour is the way to go...delicious and nutritious.!


Welcome to my little internet nook. On this site you'll find over a thousand vegetarian recipes, pantry knowledge, and more. I'm ever obsessed with food from gardening, cooking, and preserving. I hope you'll find endless inspiration on these pages and visit often. 

Virtual hugs, Erin (aka: e.l.l.a.)

a few good grain recipes

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