Roasted Cherry, Barley, and Goat Cheese Salad

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Roasted Cherry, Barley, and Goat Cheese Salad

I’ve been recently pondering why I continue to “blog.” (I use quotations because I hate that word, a lot, but I’ll stop after this or else it’s going to be annoying.). Working with other people who blog, I’ve heard a multitude of reasons why people write, photograph, tell stories, and share recipes. For some, it’s a creative outlet while others have made it a job. Sometimes I forget, I go through the motions because it’s what I do but on occasion I step back and start to wonder. Why do I put so much time and effort into this? Sure, it’s to share and inspire others to eat a bit healthier, but there’s more (and it’s not the money).

Roasted Cherry, Barley, and Goat Cheese Salad

It’s a funny thing, really. Broadcasting our lives to hundreds (thousands, MILLIONS) of people. Sometimes when I’m talking to other bloggers I realize how odd the conversation would sound to people who don’t spend part of their life on the internet. I didn’t think about this six years ago when I started (I’ve just recently pulled my first posts back out of draft mode and might continue doing so with the rest from the mysterious 2 years I don’t have post- I hated them all but kept them).

I kept my old post because they show progress. Six crazy years of progress.

Roasted Cherry, Barley, and Goat Cheese Salad

I’m currently reading Tiny Beautiful Things and I can’t count the number of times I’ve yelled, “yes” or variations of the same. So much truth and so much wisdom. I’ve highlighted so many bits and phrases but the ending to one reply left me in awe. The letter was from a woman, only a year younger than I, pondering/freaking out about not being a legendary writer by her age.

Roasted Cherry, Barley, and Goat Cheese Salad

I’ve often had thoughts about why I’m not further along in my life. Why I’m not doing more, being recognized more, blah, blah, blah. While for the most part I feel grounded, I am extremely good at focusing on the negative, the lack thereof and forget all the positive, slightly crazy things that have happened in my life: Barely apply to grad school before getting accepted (check), move to work at a bakery for life experience (check), full-time teach at a college at the age of 25 (check), pursue dreams of photography and food (check).

Roasted Cherry, Barley, and Goat Cheese Salad

So anyway, when I read the words this girl was writing, I saw a lot of myself in her. It seemed rather scary, really. But Sugar’s response is really a good chunk of why I blog and why I think these crazy/awesome/beautiful/funny/insightful blogs are awesome.

“So write, Elissa Bassist. Not like a girl. Not like a boy. Write like a motherfucker.”

Roasted Cherry, Barley, and Goat Cheese Salad

Blogs give us the ability to produce a mass quantity of work. While it could be for writing, it is also about photography, food, fashion, design, crafts, DIY (really, the list is long). These sites of ours give us a chance to keep trying, learning, and growing while getting constructive criticism. It’s an awesome thing. Before I started blogging, I had no idea I would love the things I do now. This little site has helped me find photography and web design and pushed me to become better. Yes, I still take some horrible photos (my father recently called me out on this and I appreciate his honesty) and have my off days- but I’m still growing, learning, and getting better.

Roasted Cherry, Barley, and Goat Cheese Salad

Roasted Cherry, Barley, and Goat Cheese Salad

On a similar note, if you’ve been toying with starting a blog, do it (but only if YOU want.)  If you aren’t ready to share, keep it private but keep pushing and challenging yourself. I know so many people say that blogs, particularly food blogs, are on their way out. Well, they may be but that’s okay, it really doesn’t matter. I think when starting a food blog the wrong question to ask is, “how can I grow my audience as fast as I can?” and the right one(s) is/are, “What benefit will I get out of blogging? How can I grow from this experience? Why is this important to me?” I promise there is a lot to gain.

{Ps- I want you to know how awesome and wonderful I think you all are for supporting me and my crazy journey. You are all pretty rad and if I ever meet you, I’ll give you a big hug and buy you a coffee (or tea if that’s your thing).}

{Pss- Today marks exactly six years since I started blogging. (I was on livejournal in high school, but I’m not counting that as blogging- that was just teenage angst at its finest.) The blog was Named “Berry Delicious” for which I kept all of four weeks before I changed it to Naturally Ella. Also, for those curious, yes my name is Erin but Ella stands for my initials that include my mother’s maiden name.}


Roasted Cherry, Barley, and Goat Cheese Salad

  • Author: Erin Alderson
  • Prep Time: 10 mins
  • Cook Time: 45 mins
  • Total Time: 55 mins
  • Yield: 2 1x
  • Category: Salad


  • 1/2 cup Hull-less or Hulled Barley
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 3 cups pitted Rainier Cherries
  • 1/4 cup Roasted Pistachios Pieces
  • 2 ounces goat cheese
  • 2-3 handfuls lettuce
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  • 2 teaspoons honey


  1. Combine barley and salt in a pot and cover with water, at least 2 cups. Bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer, and let cook until tender; 45-50 minutes, adding more water if need be to keep barley cooking. Pour cooked barley into a colander and run under cold water.
  2. While barley cooks, preheat oven to 425˚.
  3. Pit cherries and place in a roasting pan. Bake until juice have released and beginning to slightly caramelize, 15-20 minutes.
  4. Once barley and cherries are done, toss with lettuce, goat cheese, and pistachios. Whisk or shake together olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and honey; pour over salad and serve.


*If you don't own a cherry pitter- an simple way to pit the cherries is to place bottom side down on a bottle and poke pit out with a chopstick or something similar in size.

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37 comments on “Roasted Cherry, Barley, and Goat Cheese Salad”

  1. Congrats on 6 years! Loved this post + hearing your thoughts on life and blogging. I can definitely relate to so much of it. Keep at it, girl! xo

  2. Well congrats on 6 years. I'm coming up on my 1st year of food blogging. I love it - love writing, love taking the pics, and most importantly love trying all my food (most of the time). It's bloggers like you that inspire us newbies. I look at how far you come and it encourages me to push myself and continue on. I dont care if food blogs are on their way out. I love food and cooking. I'll never stop reading about it, never stop eating it and never stop writing about it! Thank you Erin!

  3. I couldn't agree more to everything you say above. I've been blogging for years, but only taking it seriously for about three months, and I've never had more fun. I'm not looking for a book deal, just a creative outlet, and it feels great when people read and react to the things I make. And I am inspired by blogs like yours to keep going. So congrats on six years, and keep up the great work!

  4. Love your post Erin, congrats with 6 years of blogging!
    I've just passed my 1 year of blogging and I love it more than I imagined. Only regret I didn't start blogging in English from the beginning. My main thought for that was: "why does the world need me -that Dutch girl- to blog in English?" But a lot has happened in the past year.
    My boyfriend and I got suddenly married and we've moved from Amsterdam (the Netherlands) to Los Angeles. At this moment I can't work (because of visa) and I'm so happy I have my blog -my own project!-
    And yes, in the meantime I've started a 2nd blog in English (which will air soon!). It just feels right to do now at this point.

    I'm still coping with the thought: "why do I blog, who is waiting for me? Who am I to spread my word?"
    But the main reason I blog is because I love it! I like the creative part of blogging about food. I realised I've missed that since I've dropped out of art school 10 years ago.
    I blog because it is important to me.

    Enjoy your day Erin!

  5. congrats on your blogiversary!
    i'm in the midst of reading Cheryl's book also and absolutely loving it. Tthe wisdom & insight are amazing or at least they are to me. I remember the specific example you mentioned and it hit a chord with me also even though i'm not a writer.
    keep blogging if that is what is working for you and if it no longer does then stop. But I will be sorry and miss your voice.

  6. Yes! I always compare blogging to part time academic studies. It keeps moving along and you can't see an end-game really. There are moments of criticism, drudgery, elation at a job well done. At a point of realization you recognize all of these insane accomplishments. Your blog is such an inspiration, Erin and I love that your dad calls you out on photo stuff. My mom is EXPERT LEVEL with that shit.


  7. Congratulations on 6 years, Erin!! I'm so glad you keep coming back to this space.

    Also, thanks for the fabulous tip on the make-shift cherry pitter! What a great idea!!

  8. Your comment about your dad made me smile - mine is subscribed to my blog and always sends me an email with a spelling mistake, a criticism or often just a request that I make a certain recipe for him 🙂 This blog is a beautiful space - I hope you keep it up for the next 6 years and longer 🙂

  9. My eyes were glued to the words you wrote that I didn't even notice this really delicious and just-my-kinda-salad recipe until the very end!

    I started my "blog" (I hate that word too!) a few weeks ago while it's been mostly fun and exciting I sometimes get these feeling of 'what is this all for and why am I putting all this work into it?' It's nice to know I'm not the only one that feels like this. Thank you for sharing your first post, the progress is really amazing and inspiring!

    Congratulations on 6 years!

  10. Congrats on 6 years!! Wow! I hope I can make it that far!1 I loved reading you thoughts and this salas sounds awesome!

  11. Blogging is really quite a strange thing...and the more I think about it, the more strange it seems to be and yet I'm drawn to it like a moth to a flame. In any event, I'm so glad you blog. I'm always so inspired when I come here! Which, maybe, is part of why you do it.

  12. I too love your posts. And your recipes. The book is now in my Wish list.
    Keep on writing....

  13. Teaching full-time at a college at 25? With time out for life experiences like working in a bakery? I'd say you've done very well! The recipe looks like a good way to use the last Rainier cherries still hanging out in the freezer from last year (now that the new ones have come around again it's time!). I'm in a phase of wondering why I blog--- and spending less time at it-- and at the moment the answer is that it has to be for me.

  14. Just wanted to say I love reading your blog, the recipes and about the journey your on... good luck and keep on keepin' on!

    PS The cherry pitter idea is awesome! So trying it with olives as well. I bought one of the fancy pitters and just ending up coating the kitchen splashback (white) with lots of cherry juices (red)

    Bec xx
    Newcastle, Australia

  15. Happy six years! I keep coming back here time and time again because you have created such a beautiful and thoughtful space.

  16. Awesome post! thanks for sharing about how you have grown and learnt as a blogger. Also the salad looks amazing.

  17. Okay so I've tried roasted grapes but not cherries... that just sounds divine! And I love all of your photos so I disagree with your dad 🙂 Take care friend!

  18. Congratulations on the six years Erin! This is a lovely recipe and post. I often focus on the negative too. It is hard to keep focus on the things that matter sometimes. Keep up the inspiring work!

  19. I continue to blog (yes, it is a weird word) mostly because my daughter likes looking at my recipes. She lives 3000 long miles from me. 🙂 Can't say no to her. ha I do enjoy it though.
    Your site is a favorite. It's enjoyable to come here. Easy to navigate, always good food, not wall to wall busy looking (don't know quite how to describe that one). It's pretty. And your photos are gorgeous.

  20. Such truth. Thanks for sharing your heart, talents and recipes in this place. I think it's so important for people like us to have this outlet to live out our creativity in ways that we may never have been able to before the blogging community. 🙂

  21. Amazing recipe! Beautiful pics! And words that strike a chord for any blogger.

  22. Just the perfect post I needed to see at this moment! I've been blogging for almost one year and have improved dramatically since...not doing it for anyone but myself...and still have a ways to go. Oh what fun it is! I feel so lucky to have even touched as many people as I have on this journey so far. It's at this time that I would like to focus on my writing skills more...I love your words and want to have the ability to touch others with words, as well as with food and photography. By all means you should let those old posts come back to life! It is a tribute to your progress and an inspiration in it's own right. Lastly, congratulations on your 6 six years of bringing yourself and all of us to new levels! Keep up the amazing work. Cheers 🙂

  23. Congrats on six amazing years and thank you for sharing! I started my blog only about six months ago and often struggle with how bizarre the whole process is and wonder if what I am doing is worthwhile or not... but when it comes down to it I really do love it and that's what really matters. Thank you for being an inspirtation!!

  24. Erin - so glad I came upon your blog2 The photos and recipes are lovely. I started blogging a few years ago when I began experimenting with healthier recipes after my sister died suddenly of a heart attack at 53. You're right that that sort of thing is a wake up call! I've pulled back from the blog as I just don't have the patience with the photography side of things. So I'm happy to have your take on healthier recipes to peruse. I've shared your site with my teenaged daughter as well and I think we'll enjoy making many of your recipes.

  25. Congrats!! I've just started out - or more like picking up a blog I started when moving to Japan as a high school exchange student. Trying to find a place to express myself and reach continuos development. And the recipe looks delicious!! /S -

  26. This recipe is great! Not only are your photos gorgeous to hook me in, but your recipes are really fantastic. thank you!

  27. I have been following your blog for the last year and I was looking at some of your posts when you first moved to California. I quit my job a few months ago to explore work in Food and Photography and I find blogs like yours so encouraging. I am so amazed by how far you've come just since I started following.

    I've felt the same recently, asking myself why I'm blogging. When I worked full time it was an outlet and hobby, now it fills up much more time. Therefore I question why I'm doing it and what impact does it really have. Though in truth, all I need is for a friend to say that I have a beautiful blog or say that I'm a great cook and I remember why I do it; the connections. I'm not good at connecting via the internet so I remind myself that I blog for the people in my life and the people I may be connected with in the future.

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you Justina for this comment and I'm so happy you find a bit of encouragement in my site! It's always a scary transition (I'm months into it and there are still days I wonder...) I'd love to follow your blog- do you have a link?

  28. Thanks for sharing this. I find it so "sympathisch" to read about your blogging journey. It's a fantastic creative outlook. Something to do if you REALLY love it. Which shows. Love your site, photos, recipes. Very inspiring!

    Greetings from Germany!
    Elle from


Welcome to my little internet nook. On this site you'll find over a thousand vegetarian recipes, pantry knowledge, and more. I'm ever obsessed with food from gardening, cooking, and preserving. I hope you'll find endless inspiration on these pages and visit often. 

Virtual hugs, Erin (aka: e.l.l.a.)

a few good grain recipes

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