Grilled Corn, Onion, and Whipped Cilantro Goat Cheese Quesadilla

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Grilled Corn, Onion, and Whipped Cilantro Goat Cheese Quesadilla

Grilled Corn, Onion, and Whipped Cilantro Goat Cheese Quesadilla

There are two new additions to my daily routine since I've moved. The first comes in the morning and the second in the evening. Morning has always been my time to ramp up for the day and I prefer to do that in quiet. I roll out of bed, throw clothes on, and take the dog for a walk in the large park near our house. I can't get enough fresh air, warm sunshine, and the view of mountains in the distance (coming from Illinois, it's a very exciting thing). After the walk, I make a pot of coffee (I donated my old coffee pot and only use the Chemex- it's a good "slow-down and relax" tool) and mentally prepare myself for the day. These two hours in the morning are slightly magical to me.

The second comes with dinner. M gets home around seven and for this week I've been stopping my work at six to make dinner. I feel so at home in the kitchen and with all the fresh ingredients available, making dinner comes easy. I throw a record on, pour myself a glass of wine, and dance around the kitchen while I cook (it also helps to have someone to share the meals). Our dinners have been a bit long because for the first time, we sit down, talk about our days, and enjoy each others company. This is what I missed.

We've eaten really well this week. Our dinners have consisted of tacos, ravioli, pizza, and these quesadillas. They come together fairly quick and are a great way to light up the grill (or grill pan if making inside.) I think these would also be lovely with a few grilled peppers and maybe some avocado but it definitely doesn't have to have it. The corn/onion mixture is perfect to me.


Grilled Corn, Onion, and Whipped Cilantro Goat Cheese Quesadilla

  • Author: Erin Alderson
  • Prep Time: 10 mins
  • Cook Time: 20 mins
  • Total Time: 30 mins
  • Yield: 2 1x
  • Category: Dinner


  • 2 ounces goat cheese
  • 1 ounce cream cheese
  • 1 large ear sweet corn
  • 1/2 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1/2 medium red onion
  • 1/3 cup loosely packed cilantro
  • Juice from 1/2 lime
  • 2-3 whole wheat tortillas


  1. Light grill (or pan if making on the stovetop).
  2. Place goat cheese and cream cheese in a bowl, set aside.
  3. Remove husk and silk from corn and rub with olive oil. Cut onion into 1/4" slices. Place corn and onions and grill. Cook until both are charred, turning corn and flipping onions as needed.
  4. Returning to the cheese, stir cream cheese and goat cheese together. Once combined, stir in lime juice and vigorously whip the mixture until lighter. Chop cilantro and stir into the cheese.
  5. Spread cheese mixture onto one entire side of the quesadilla. Layer onions and sprinkle corn on one half. Fold quesadilla over and return to grill. Cook on both sides until the tortilla is browning and crispy, 3-5 minutes depending on heat source.


*For a little extra kick, rub the sweet corn with a bit of chipotle powder before grilling.

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16 comments on “Grilled Corn, Onion, and Whipped Cilantro Goat Cheese Quesadilla”

  1. Yum, those quesadillas look so tasty! Great combination of flavors. 🙂

  2. This is my kinda meal. Love quesadillas and I love that you used goat cheese. Delicious!

  3. first, these look amazing, I love the idea of using a spread in quesadillas and those grilled veggies make me so excited for summer.

    second, I'm with you on that mountain thing (coming from Illinois)

    third - your evening routine sounds just like mine (well sort of). When I fell it love with cooking, it was all because of that hour that I had by myself with music playing and a glass of wine.

  4. This looks delicious! My husband is a farmer, so as soon as the sweet corn comes up this summer I'm going to make this!

  5. Oh, Erin, everything about this sounds perfect-- the rhythm you are finding in your day, the time you and M have been able to enjoy over dinner, and, of course, this fabulous recipe. I can't wait to make it for myself (I'm loving anything I can grill these days!)

  6. awesome idea to whip the goat cheese and cilantro together. beautiful photos as well!

  7. Yum! I've been looking for good quesadilla ideas, and this one is perfect. It will be especially good with my mesquite whole wheat tortillas (I sub mesquite flour for all purpose flour, about 20% of the flour).

  8. I've been wanting to make these for a long time, and we finally had them for lunch today. YUM!!!!! They combine a lot of my favorite flavors, and they were a hit with my husband as well. Definitely a keeper recipe!


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Virtual hugs, Erin (aka: e.l.l.a.)

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