Buttered Radish and Ricotta Toast

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Buttered Radish and Ricotta Toast | @naturallyella

Breakfast Radishes | @naturallyella

Buttered Radish and Ricotta Toast | @naturallyella

My husband and I have a running joke when it comes to NPR- I am SO one of those people that nearly every day the words tumble out of my mouth, 'so I heard on NPR today.' He laughs at me and then I dive into whatever story I wanted to tell him. However, today my dear readers, you're getting a dose of it because while driving to an appointment yesterday, I was lucky enough to catch the TED radio hour all about 'What is Original'. As a person who creates recipes, I like to think that they are original but in retrospect, they are influenced by everything I see and experience. Coming from a background of classical music, this makes sense. Composers riffed on each other all the time and not only was it okay, it contributed to the growth of musical genres (which if you listen to the podcast, this continued well into the 20th century). And yet now, we have more lawsuits and detailed patents that to a certain extent, stifles creativity.

I think this is especially important in food and in particular, recipes. One of the things I love about food blogs, pinterest, and online publications is the sharing of ideas (that can spark creativity in other people.) Sure, there are people who directly copy (plagiarize) on the internet (which I deeply frown upon) but nothing gives me more joy than when I see someone take a recipe of mine, expand upon or tweak it, and come out with something new. It's exciting, especially when we're pushing for more people to cook at home and champion whole foods.

This recipe is inspired by the countless avocado toast 'recipes' I see out there. While I'm a big fan of the avocado toast, I didn't think I had anything else to contribute. Instead I thought I'd share one of my more recent favorites: radishes on toast. I get nearly giddy when I see breakfast radishes at the market because of their mild, almost sweet flavor. This isn't the first time I've combined them with butter (another one of my favorite recipes), but the fresh ricotta makes this toast (and you can easily make your own!)


Buttered Radish and Ricotta Toast

  • Author: Erin Alderson
  • Prep Time: 5 mins
  • Cook Time: 5 mins
  • Total Time: 10 mins
  • Yield: 1 to 2 servings 1x


  • 2 slices rye or wheat bread (see note)
  • 1/2 bunch breakfast radishes
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon zest
  • 1/4 to 1/3 cup fresh or homemade ricotta
  • 2 to 3 teaspoons fresh minced flat-leaf parsley


  1. Toast the bread and set aside.
  2. Cut radishes in half lengthwise and cut each half into 1/4" thick half moon slices. Melt butter in a small skillet, add radishes, and cook over medium low until tender, 3 to 4 minutes. Stir in salt and lemon zest, taste and adjust salt level as needed.
  3. Top toast with a smear of fresh ricotta, a sprinkle of cooked radishes, and finish with parsley.


I love rye bread but it can often be overpowering for the delicate ricotta and radishes. Use wheat if you want a nice balance (or a lighter rye!)


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23 comments on “Buttered Radish and Ricotta Toast”

  1. I love your thoughts on this. So many times I think up a recipe idea but then think 'but it's not original!'. Oftentimes though, it seems that the ones that are simple and nourishing are the most popular ones to share in our food community!

  2. This looks like a wonderful way to use radish! I'm not too fond of the little vegetable but I think I'd like this, I mean it's with ricotta so how could I not love it? 🙂

  3. YES!!! I love radishes and eat radish toast all year long- especially when I can pick them from my own garden. I always slather the toast with butter first and then top with the radishes.Thanks for the great idea to switch it up!!

  4. Yum! These look awesome. I admit I'm not much of a radish fan but would love to be. Their slightly bitter flavour combo'ed with a crunch makes me know I've got to learn to love them. And cooking them in butter ..... well I just never considered this. Thanks for the inspiration. I can't wait for spring!

  5. Oh my - I too have been obsessed with breakfast radishes lately - snacking on them allllll day long. This toast sounds incredible and these photos? Gah! So pretty!

    I love your take on riffing on other ideas - it's hard not to be inspired by all the wonderful things people are creating out there!

  6. I am a definitely that NRP person as well. I also listened to that TED Radio Hour episode, it was so interesting. You know what is funny too, everytime I come up with something utterly on my own I always google it for fun, just to see if it's been done, and it usually always has. Like my blood orange tapioca pudding! I thought hum, I wonder if people do orange tapioca pudding. Low and below it's like a big thing! Who knew? Do radishes ever give you indigestion? I am wondering if the cooking would help with that. I've never cooked them before!

  7. I couldn't agree more. I take inspiration from others and hopefully spark some in other people, too! This looks delicious and I have some radishes in my fridge right now, guess whats for breakfast!

  8. Awesome recipe! i was hesitant at first because i don't really like avocado too much...but i gotta say it surprised me!
    simple yet tasty!


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Virtual hugs, Erin (aka: e.l.l.a.)

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