Tomatillo Dressing (+ site updates)

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Tomatillo Dressing

Tomatillo Dressing

This dressing is simple and a fun take on a vinaigrette. I've seen tomatillos all over the farmers market and I've been itching to start playing with them outside of salsa. This dressing pairs well with grilled vegetables and all kinds of greens! I whipped up a charred corn and kale salad to go along with the dressing!

Tomatillo Dressing

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5 from 2 reviews

  • Author: Erin Alderson
  • Yield: 1 1/2 cups 1x


  • 3/4 lb tomatillos
  • 1/2 small white onion
  • 1 jalapeño, seeds removed
  • 1/4 cup cilantro
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1/4 cup lime juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • 2-3 tablespoons honey


  1. Preheat oven to 425˚ and cover a baking tray with parchment paper.
  2. Bring a pot of water to a boil. Drop tomatillos into the boiling water for 30 seconds. Remove from water and peel off outer skins. Slice tomatillos in half and place on baking tray. Cut onion and jalapeño into rough slices and toss with tomatillos. Roast for 20-25 minutes until tomatillos are soft.
  3. Place roasted tomatillo mixture into a blender and add cilantro, olive oil, lime juice, salt, and honey. Puree until dressing is smooth. Taste and adjust flavors as you like.
  4. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.


tomatillo dressing

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14 comments on “Tomatillo Dressing (+ site updates)”

  1. This looks phenomenal! Also, your site looks lovely. Love the changes. You are also crazy, I would have taken way more time off after my wedding if it was me. You go gurl!

  2. not only are the recipes amazing, but the pictures are spectacular!!! bravo.

  3. The site is looking fabulous!! And not running slow at all! (At least for me!). I love the idea of a whole foods resource...sounds fabulous. As does this dressing. I kind of want to pour it all over everything.

  4. I love your recipes! I'm missing that the recipes no longer give servings/time to make...I cook for a house of 40 people and would like to share these recipes with them, but it's hard to know how to multiply ingredients without servings and hard to know if I can make something in time without prep time. (eg. 15 minute prep time can translate into 45 minute prep time for 30 servings)

  5. I tried tomatillo dressing for the first time at a burrito bowl place, ever since ive been trying to come up/find a recipe so that i can have it at my house. OMG i cant stop eating this.. it is so amazingly delicious!!! Love it!

  6. Just a note to let you know that it is not necessary to blanch tomatillos to get the jacket off. They come off very easily by just lifting the points at the opening and pulling them back. I work with tomatillos frequently, so this is based on pretty extensive experience.

    1. I've had mixed experiences. Some tomatillos def. don't need the blanching but some are a bit stickier and the blanching makes it so easy (which is why I recommend it- especially for people who don't work with them often!)


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Virtual hugs, Erin (aka: e.l.l.a.)

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