Sweet Corn Pasta with Miso-Cream Sauce

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As we start the slow change into fall, I find myself clinging to all the summer produce even though I know summer is far from over in the valley. This sweet corn pasta is a perfect example of my feet in two seasons: summer sweet corn paired with fall's slightly more decadent meals. 

top-down photo of sweet corn pasta in a blue speckled bowl.

Sweet Corn Pasta

While I'm always up for creating a vegetable-heavy pasta dish, sweet corn in pasta really has my heart. The slightly sweet bite of the corn paired with a creamy sauce and perfect al dente pasta is a texture win. 

Best Pasta

I'll throw all convention to the wind regarding sweet corn pasta. Use whatever pasta you have on hand. However, I do love using alternative wheat to make pasta that has a slightly more robust flavor. Think einkorn, spelt, or rye (which is what I used here)! 

The Sweet Corn

As for the sweet corn, fresh is best, but frozen is just fine, too, if you want to make this off-season. Corn, like most other frozen vegetables, goes through a quick cooking and cooling process to ensure the best texture and flavor as the corn is frozen. 

Why Scallions for the sweet corn pasta

I prefer scallions in this pasta because their subtle flavor lets the corn shine. Using garlic and even onion can quickly overpower the corn flavor. Scallions give us everything: an allium flavor that's just enough to be noticeable. 

Of course, if you prefer a solid allium flavor, add to your heart's content. Garlic, caramelized onions, and shallots can all be swapped or added. 

close-up photo of sweet corn pasta with lots of black pepper on top

Miso Cream Sauce

Now that we have the pasta base, it's all about the sauce. I like to use heavy cream as a base, primarily because it's a foolproof way to have a silky sauce that soaks in all the bonus flavors. Here, the cream is paired with a salty miso and just a little cheese to bring it all together (and layer some of the salt-based flavors). 

The Cheese

Speaking of cheese, I like to experiment with firm cheeses such as parmesan or pecorino romano. These cheeses are not traditionally vegetarian-friendly, so feel free to swap in or out as needed to keep this at your vegetarian level. Some companies make vegetarian hard cheeses in the Italian style and label them as such.

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Sweet Corn Pasta with Miso-Cream Sauce

4 servings
A rich and delicious summer pasta featuring sweet corn and scallions paired with a salty cream sauce.
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 4-5 (50 g) scallions (½ cup sliced)
  • 2 (300 g) ears of sweet corn (roughly 2 cups of kernels )
  • cup (160 g) heavy cream
  • 2-3 tablespoons white or chickpea miso
  • ½ cup (40 g) grated parmesan or pecorino romano cheese
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • Kosher salt (to taste)
  • 8 ounces (226 g) 226g pasta, your choice
  • Black pepper (for finishing)
  1. Heat a large pan over medium heat with the butter and olive oil. Once the butter has melted, add in the sliced scallion and sweet corn kernels. Cook until the scallions have wilted and the corn is hot. Stir in the heavy cream, cook until the cream is warm, and then turn off the heat. Let the mixture rest while you cook your pasta.
  2. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the pasta and cook until al dente. Drain and reserve a ½ cup or so of the pasta water.
  3. Add your miso to the cream mixture, using the pan of your spoon to mash the miso and incorporate it into the cream. Once the miso is mainly incorporated, add in the pasta. Turn the heat back to medium and cook until the sauce has thickened, coating the pasta.
  4. Turn off the heat and stir the cheese, black pepper, and salt to taste. Divide the pasta into four bowls and finish with black pepper as desired.
As mentioned, most Italian hard cheeses are not vegetarian as they use animal rennet. If you're looking for a good alternative, I recommend looking for a parmesan-like hard cheese using microbial rennet. A couple of American companies make a version of this. 

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Virtual hugs, Erin (aka: e.l.l.a.)

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