Roasted Tomato and Corn Salsa

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Life can be messy when you pursue happiness.

I’ll start this story off with the news, I’m engaged (for marriage, that is.)

Ever since M and I broke up a year ago, we’ve been on this roller coster of trying to figure out who we were, what we wanted, and what exactly made us happy.  At the time, we knew being in our relationship didn’t make us happy.  We were two people struggling to find our own identity after three years of relying solely on our relationship to dictate everything.  We started out too fast, too excited and our growing pains were too much for us to handle.  Time apart was needed.

What we realized, however, is that we are darn good together and that we let a few small things get in our way of something really good.  Even though I didn’t realize it a year ago, he’s my best friend who is there when I come up with all my crazy life ideas, loves me unconditionally, and motivates me every day to pursue my happiness.

So in a field in Wisconsin, under the stars with perfect weather, listening to Dave Matthews Band, he proposed completely unplanned.

After shock, tears, and speechlessness (which I had no idea could happen to me,) I said yes.

My heart is happy.

A note about this salsa: I'm currently experimenting with exactly how I want to can tomatoes this year.  This salsa is a close riff on my favorite roasted tomato salsa.  The flavors are amazing here and the hands on time is very limited.  I'm very excited to be able to have this salsa throughout the winter.


Roasted Tomato and Corn Salsa

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  • Author: Erin Alderson
  • Prep Time: 15 mins
  • Cook Time: 60 mins
  • Total Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
  • Yield: 4-6 1x


  • 2 lbs cherry/roma tomatoes
  • 2-3 cloves garlic
  • 1 serrano pepper
  • 1 large onion
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 ears sweet corn
  • juice from a lime
  • 1 cup cilantro
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt


  1. Preheat oven to 400˚.
  2. Slice tomatoes in half and place on a baking tray. Roughly chop the serrano pepper, garlic, and onion. Toss with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and sprinkle over tomatoes. Place in over and roast until everything is soft and lightly browning, 45-55 minutes.
  3. Remove corn from cob. Easiest way to do this is remove husk and place perpendicular in a large bowl, carefully cutting downwards. Toss with remaning tablespoon of olive oil and place on a separate baking tray. Roast until lightly browning, 15-20 minutes.
  4. In a food processor, combine roasted tomato mixture and cilantro. Pulse until combined. Squeeze in lime juice and salt, pulsing a few more times. Remove, place in a bowl, and stir in roasted corn.


Makes two pints

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86 comments on “Roasted Tomato and Corn Salsa”

  1. Congrats! Not much in the world can compare to marrying your best friend.

  2. Congratulations and how appropriate to feature a little spice and a little heat that is essential for any marriage! Best to you and your man!

  3. I just found your blog through The Faux Martha. So happy for the discovery! Also... Congratulations! 🙂

  4. Lovely, lovely. But most importantly, congratulations on your engagement! This is the best time, you must be on cloud nine. Enjoy every second of it (and p.s. it only gets better).

  5. Congratulations! I don't leave comments very often, but your post brought such a huge smile to my face, I had to say something! 😉

    beautiful photos, beautiful story, I wish you many decades of marital bliss ahead!

  6. Congratulations on the engagement! Best wishes to both of you moving forward.

    Did you end up canning this salsa in a hot water bath? I'm newer to canning, and I'm still trying to figure out the whole process. Thanks!

    1. Not yet, I've been tweaking the recipe but I will next week. As long as I have a tablespoon of lime juice in each pint, it should be good to go!

    1. Oh, this salsa is ridiculously good (I've finished 1 pint in two days). And thank you!

  7. Congratulations!! My husband proposed to me while I was peeling potatoes to fry. You'll remember that exact moment for the rest of your life. I'm excited to try your salsa, it looks wonderful.

  8. Your exciting and wonderful news made me so smiley! Congratulations!!!!! I am so glad to hear you've found happiness with someone who is both your best friend and biggest supporter 🙂

    1. Thank you, Courtney! I feel pretty lucky (he also works wonders on webservers, so I know he's a keeper 😉

  9. Congratulations, Erin! Being engaged is a real ride but, take it from this newlywed, being married is wonderful! Wishing you two all the best in this happy season. : )

  10. Erin, congratulations! So excited for you! I like your kind of love story... yes, time apart and big trials are what we need in relationships sometimes to know if it's for real or not. Glad you both figured things out! 🙂

    1. I always said I wanted a love story and thought I wouldn't get one, turned out I was wrong 🙂 Thank you, Margarita!

  11. Another double congrats to you! One for the engagement, and another for this amazing looking salsa. Roasted tomatoes are my favorite.

  12. Congratulations on your happy news! I'm a particular sap for DMB so that made my heart sing. 🙂

    Coming out of the shadows [long-time follower] to say that I love your blog - and this recipe is awfully timely thanks to piles of tomatoes on my counter + ears of corn in my fridge. Will be making this weekend!

    1. Thank you so much! It's funny because DMB was my teenage music- it's all I'd listen to, so for this happen made it that more special (and caused me to have more tears 🙂

  13. congrats!!

    i am new to canning, but would love this idea for tomatoes! i know you have to be careful with acid levels when canning tomatoes... would you need a pressure canner for this or is there enough acid to do in a water bath?

    1. From my research, as long as there is 1 tablespoon of lemon/lime juice in each pint, you are fine with just a hot water bath.

  14. Congratulations! I had a similar experience with my (now husband) when we were dating, time apart lead us back together with clearer eyes and loving hearts. Many blessings to you and your future man.. the fun is yet to come! Also this salsa looks amazing I cannot wait to try it!

    1. Thank you, Lauren! Sometimes time is really all a person (or people) need 🙂

  15. Congratulations girl! So happy that you're happy and that all's right in the world 🙂

  16. Congratulations! I love it when good people get to enjoy life's better moments. I wish the very best to you both.

  17. Ella, to can this recipe would any additional ingredients be needed, do you know? I'm new to canning. I know I'd have to do the usually heat and boiling bath etc., but curious if I'd need any more acid, etc. Thanks!

    1. I've yet to can this recipe (that's a Monday project) but with the addition of the lime juice and according to canning standards, it should be fine with the boiling water. Just make sure you have 1 tablespoon for every pint you fill.

  18. Congrats Erin! Though, I am kinda bummed I didn't find him for you with that promise of cupcakes for life you gave. I'm so happy for you!

  19. Oh my goodness, congratulations!!
    on that other note, this salsa looks delicious 🙂

  20. Congratulations! My honey and I had a similar roller-coaster beginning. . . and here we are, almost 15 years later! 😀 And love the salsa. 😉

  21. Wow, just stopped by for the first time and read this! How sweet. My DH opened for Dave Matthews a decade ago when they were first starting out. I enjoy Dave Matthews but am a total U2 fan and of course my husband who retired from music to become a husband. : - )

    Enjoy the journey and check out the Wedding Song on the Zero album by August Burning on Itunes or Amazon. That is my husband singing and he totally rocks the song and the idealism of marriage.


  22. [...] variation like Roasted Garlic and White Bean) Salsa (or try variations like fresh tomato salsa or Roasted Tomato and Corn Salsa) Jam (I used this recipe made with honey to can last summer) Peanut Butter Almond Butter Tahini [...]

  23. Hi! Do you have directions for canning this salsa?? I'd love to have local, homemade salsa all year long 🙂


  24. So I realize I'm really late to this party, but I'm hoping to can both this recipe, and your black bean and corn salsa recipe. In your experience, is it best to cook these salsas before putting them in cans to boil off some water, or is it fine to just let them cook in the waterbath? Thanks!

  25. I've been searching for a recipe exactly like this one! It's perfect! thank you!!


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Virtual hugs, Erin (aka: e.l.l.a.)

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