Picnic Ideas + Point Reyes National Seashore

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Picnic Ideas + Point Reyes National Seashore

Picnic Ideas + Point Reyes National Seashore

Picnic Ideas + Point Reyes National Seashore

Picnic Ideas + Point Reyes National Seashore

Picnic Ideas + Point Reyes National Seashore

Picnic Ideas + Point Reyes National Seashore

Picnic Ideas + Point Reyes National Seashore

Picnic Ideas + Point Reyes National Seashore

Picnic Ideas + Point Reyes National Seashore

Picnic Ideas + Point Reyes National Seashore

Picnic Ideas + Point Reyes National Seashore

Picnic Ideas + Point Reyes National Seashore

After the massive house hunt, M and I took off for Easter to get away. All I knew was I wanted to see the ocean and with a bit of research,  we landed at Point Reyes National Seashore. We headed to the lighthouse, trekked down and back up all the flights of stairs, saw a few whales, and then headed to the beach for the picnic lunch I so carefully planned. The rain started coming down right as we got to the beach but not to be deterred, we threw the seats down in the back of the jeep, spread the blanket out,  and were able to still enjoy the ocean while we ate. We took the long way back along highway 1, weaving our way along the ocean and trees. It felt so nice to get away and spend out last day together before I move out permanently in six weeks, enjoying our new/future home state. We have plans for this to be a reoccurring theme this summer for the days we need a break. We pack a cooler, pinpoint a location, and head out: I think I'm going to like it here.

The Picnic Goods:

Heidi's Egg Salad

My Roasted Beet, Blue Cheese Orzo, and Walnut Salad

Marinated Olives

Tangerines , Veggies (leftover celery from the egg salad and snap peas) with Ranch, and Avocados (I put these on the egg salad sandwich).

(and then, if that's not enough, you can catch a bakery on the way back to the main road and grab one of these wonderful cinnamon rolls from the Busy Bee Bakery in Inverness.)

Picnic Ideas + Point Reyes National Seashore

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23 comments on “Picnic Ideas + Point Reyes National Seashore”

  1. As a bay area native this is one of my favorite day trips, now that I live in LA it happens a bit less but I still manage to drag my husband up north for some variation every year or so. I'm slowly crafting a Southern California version that is similar but it's taking some time...
    I love having grown up in the Bay Area with day trip loving parents!

    1. I think I'm going to get spoiled. I'd love to hear what you find in Souther Cali- I think we're going to try and make it a habit to get down there occasionally!

    1. I think the cinnamon roll had fresh ginger in the dough- it was amazing!

  2. We live in Davis and go to Pt. Reyes all of the time! Check out Limantour and Kehoe Beaches. They are very special. Also, there is a wonderful bakery in Pt. Reyes Station, called The Bovine Bakery. They always have a gluten free section of goodies as well. Your spread looks delicious of course!

    1. I'll add them to my list! I love the central location of Davis/Sacramento- can't wait to explore more!

  3. we had the same plans a few years ago while visiting my hubby's sister to picnic at Point reyes- but it was too windy- all we were getting in out mouth was sand- so we too ate in the car! Great memories- but when the fog comes in, it does get a little scary driving back!

  4. What a lovely place! I love the long row of stairs. Is the lighthouse open to public?

  5. Ah, I love the moodiness of coast lines and clouds. You captured it beautifully, Erin. Lovely picnic and holy moly that cinnamon bun (!!!!!).

  6. This looks like my kind of weekend getaway! So lovely! Isn't that drive just breathtaking!


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Virtual hugs, Erin (aka: e.l.l.a.)

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