Roasted Parsnip Spinach Salad

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Roasted Parsnip Spinach Salad | @naturallyella
Wild Rice | @naturallyella
Parsnips | @naturallyella
Roasted Parsnips | @naturallyella
Roasted Parsnip Spinach Salad with Wild Rice | @naturallyella
Spinach Salad with Roasted Parsnips and Wild Rice | @naturallyella

Let's talk about using vegetables you might not use, and using them in fun and exciting ways. If you're venturing outside of your traditional Thanksgiving meal, you might be using a few parsnips in (or in place of) your mashed potatoes. I really love parsnips roasted because it's got such a unique, somewhat sweet flavor. This spinach salad probably isn't a combination one you might think of but I think it's worthy of a try. I'll often make a similar salad with leftover wild rice from dinner the night before and by doing so, the salad comes together fairly easy (just wait for the parsnips to roast!) If you also happen to have rutabaga, I'd highly recommend throwing it in with the parsnips!


Roasted Parsnip Spinach Salad

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4.9 from 7 reviews

  • Author: Erin Alderson
  • Prep Time: 15 mins
  • Cook Time: 30 mins
  • Total Time: 45 mins
  • Yield: 2 1x


  • 2 parsnips
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 2 teaspoons honey
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1/3 cup diced green onion
  • 1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds
  • 1 cup cooked wild rice
  • 3-4 cups baby spinach
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 2 teaspoons lime juice
  • 2 teaspoons honey


  1. Preheat oven to 400˚. Cube parsnip (peeling before, if desired) and toss with the 2 teaspoons olive, salt, and pepper. Roast until tender and lightly browning, 25 to 30 minutes.
  2. Remove parsnips from oven and drizzle honey over the sprinkle with diced green onions and sesame seeds. Stir until parsnips are well coated. Let cool slightly.
  3. Toss together spinach and wild rice. In a small bowl, whisk together soy sauce, lime juice, and honey. Drizzle over spinach and toss to coat. Add the roasted parsnips and serve with an extra sprinkle of green onions and sesame seeds if desired.


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73 comments on “Roasted Parsnip Spinach Salad”

  1. I am on a Brussels sprouts kick, so I am looking forward to eating roasted Brussels sprouts mixed in with rosemary roasted potatoes. Yum!

  2. I'm most excited for the leftovers! I love making seemingly strange mash-ups of the leftover dishes that nevertheless turn out delicious.

  3. I'm most excited about cooking and eating Brussels sprouts! I still haven't sold my whole family on them, but another try can't hurt 🙂 I love using 101 Cookbook's pan frying method.

  4. I just saw that I have parsnips in my refrigerator, with no plan to use them. So this recipe quickly became what I am most excited to take/eat at Thanksgiving. Also, anything with sweet potatoes. Because sweet potatoes are the truth.

  5. I'm most excited about a savory pumpkin rosemary bread from food52. going to try in as rolls! thanks!

  6. This salad looks fabulous, I love parsnips. But my favorite Thanksgiving dish is pumpkin pie.

  7. Did you see these are made in Grand Rapids?! So cool I think i may have to order one! And I know I will probably get tarred and feathered on a vegitarian blog, but I am super excited for a deep fried turkey!

    1. Thanks Brittany! We're proud to handcraft all our butcher block products in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Deep fried turkey is a personal favorite, but we love everything Erin with Naturally Ella makes!

  8. That cutting board is gorgeous!

    I'm looking forward to making twice baked sweet potatoes with curry and coconut milk and spinach. Not traditional but amazingly delicious.

  9. i can't wait to make my first tofurkey-like roast! and an amazing carrot cake. for the bf's sake, of course 😉 thanks for the giveaway!

  10. I rarely buy parsnips (only once to make some soup!), but this salad looks delicious and I think I need to try them roasted.
    My mom is required to make sweet potato casserole and Swedish rice ring for my siblings and I. Otherwise, she'd get in serious trouble 😉

  11. I am most excited to make a roasted beet and orange salad that my family loves, and would love to chop the ingredients on this beautiful cutting board 🙂

  12. This looks amazing -- I love parsnips, and can't believe I didn't know they existed 10 years ago.

    We're having a non-traditional Thanksgiving now that turkey's off the table (literally, because of a food allergy, thankfully not mine), and I'm not sure if I'm more excited about an experimental colcannon dish or the apple fritters.

  13. I think I'm most looking forward to a roasted squash, kale, and brie salad...and all of the pie

  14. I'm really looking forward to green bean casserole. If you have your own favorite version I can't wait to try it!

  15. I'm always most excited for the sweet potatoes! Still can't decide exactly how to make them this year...

  16. That cutting board is gorgeous!! For me, it's all about the day AFTER Thanksgiving. Making turkey sandwiches for lunch with all the leftover fixings. A beautiful, colorful mess of a sandwich on a soft, seeded roll.

  17. Oooh those are beautiful! I'm looking forward to making some kind of roasted veggies 🙂

  18. This recipe looks brilliant! I will give this a try on Thanksgiving, as always Thank you 😉

  19. That's a hard question! Its going to be a tie between a sweet potato pumpkin soup (made from a big 'ole farm picked pumpkin) or a spiced homemade cranberry sauce.

  20. I love sage dressing for Thanksgiving. I make it with 5 different onions.
    Your parsnip and spinach salad would be a nice addition to the meal too.

  21. Those cutting boards are gorgeous! I am looking forward to eating a vegetable wellington with butternut squash, fancy mushrooms, and goat cheese. Mmmm! Oh, and pumpkin pie!!

  22. That is the most stylish cutting board, ever! I am very excited about my Horseradish beet, green bean, and fennel salad. There will be lots of chopping next week for sure!

  23. nothing in particular as i don't really celebrate thanksgiving as a big holiday - i try to be grateful ever day for the humble food i put on my plate rather than overdoing on one day.

  24. Gorgeous cutting board! I am looking forward to having my mother's dressing - it has always been a favorite of mine 🙂 Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  25. I am most looking forward to eat a slice of pumpkin pie paired with some great coffee while sitting by the warm fire and surrounded by people I love!

  26. This year I am making the dinner for my father - a first. I am honestly most excited for the Stuffed Mushrooms which I only seem to savor once yearly and will probably spoil my apetite for dinner with the appetizer!

  27. i am looking forward to my Mother's rolls. She only makes them twice a year, Thanksgiving and Christmas. They are an old family recipe and are unlike any roll you get from the store or bakery, as they are made with cake yeast. So good 🙂

  28. Beautiful cutting board! I'm most excited for the stuffing, and of course a slice of pumpkin pie for breakfast the next morning!

  29. My entire family (brothers, cousins, etc) always meet for Thanksgiving the Sunday after Thanksgiving - so I always make something completely non-traditional for my family on Thanksgiving Day. Super excited to make lobster bisque and champagne this year 🙂

  30. I'm looking forward to making a mushroom-based paleo stuffing with pecans, cranberries and sweet potatoes!

  31. I just discovered your blog and website and I'm totally in love! I feel like the movie Julie and Julia, but in this case it's and Ellie and Ella -- because i want to make every recipe on your site! I'm looking most forward to making your braised chickpeas and carrots for something colorful and different!

  32. Your salad and block are gorgeous! I've just recently discovered the deliciousness or parsnips so this salad is something I can get on board with! Thank you for your lovely recipe and this fantastic opportunity to win a butcher block from McLure Tables (stunning)! I get excited about cooking and eating, at just about every meal.. so Thanksgiving is no different. But if I had to choose one thing that I love to make during Thanksgiving, it would have to be a rustic gallette. Apple or pear with cranberry will suit me just fine.

  33. I'm most excited for my boyfriend's apple pie with a crumbly top eaten with extra sharp cheddar. And green bean casserole. Always and forever green bean casserole!

  34. I'm doing ALL the cooking this year, so I'm most excited to make a veggie main dish to go alongside the turkey. Thinking stuffed acorn squashes or whole roasted cauliflower!

  35. Such a beautiful cutting board! And mashed parsnips are one of my most favorite things this time of year! I'm also excited to make a cassoulet for Thanksgiving this year, since the turkey won't be enough for our huge family gathering!

  36. Love the idea. My husband grew up eating parsnips and I had never had them . Surprised to find out I really like them. This recipe will definitely do them justice especially on the beautiful wood board.

  37. I love parsnips too! I always add them to mashed potatoes, but I'll have to try them roasted now. I'm in the midst of moving chaos - so I'm mostly looking forward to finally relaxing and seeing my family. But I'll have to squeeze in the time to bake my usual round of pies (apple, pecan, and pumpkin).

  38. I love parsnips so much. I want to make this salad!

    The Thanksgiving dish that I'm most excited about is sweet potato casserole. 🙂

  39. I love this salad. I've never prepared parsnips on my own - it looks so easy!
    I'm so excited for allllll the foods at Thanksgiving. But really, most of all, the stuffing. And leftovers next day. I love a bagel with turkey!

  40. We have an abundance of wildflower honey from our local hives. I am making my Mom's family recipe of diced,roasted beets with honey, candied orange rind and rosemary. The beets are served with farmer's cheese (brie is great too) watercress and crusty bread on the side. Vegans can substitute with almond cheese.
    Country caviar at it's best!

  41. I'm excited to be baking pies. Pecan and sweet potato. My husband will be doing the remainder of the cooking while I am out working. Looking forward to coming home to a great meal and spending time with my 4 leggeds.

  42. I am going to try a baking new savory roll, with cheese and olives. I think we are having ham instead of turkey, and I thought the flavors would go really well together, especially with leftovers. Thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous chopping board.

  43. every year, my favorite is the stuffed butternut squash from moosewood cookbook-filled with nuts, seeds, dried fruit, mushrooms and shallots-it just looks like Thanksgiving to me! Will definitely try this one soon!

  44. The salad looks delicious. I can hardly wait to make it. The cutting board is beautiful. I love the side dishes on thanksgiving. My favorite would be sweet potato casserole.

  45. Beautiful cutting board. Thank you for hosting the give away. I am most looking forward to the stuffing. We use my grandmother's grinder and make it from scratch.

  46. This is a very nice recipe and I really like roasted parsnips. I think I'll make this for a work lunch.

  47. Definitely excited about making mushroom gravy! I noticed you didnt peel your parsnip, Ive never tried this...what is the skin like when left on?

  48. We're doing a non-traditional Thanksgiving this year! So - I'm most excited for our dungeness crab feast! My family lives in Portland and there it's a Christmas Eve tradition to eat dungeness crab. However, this year I'll be spending Christmas with my man's family in Wisconsin so my family thought we'd celebrate our crab feast during this trip home!

  49. That was so good! Just made it tonight and both myself and my other half absolutely loved it. Thank youuuuu!


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Virtual hugs, Erin (aka: e.l.l.a.)

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