Avocado Salad With Vinegar-Butter + Sesame

This recipe was originally published casual in my run of zines. You can read more about the project and also see what other projects I've have as well.

When balancing meals, I always have a fresh component to balance some richer dishes. While this role typically lands with lettuce-based salads, I'll occasionally mix it up to highlight other produce. Cucumber, celery, or an avocado salad, such as this recipe, keeps meals fresh and delightful. 

A blush bowl containing wedges of avocado that are topped with sesame seeds, vinegar butter, and pieces of finishing salt.

Avocado salad

While salad may be a loose term for this recipe, it is a fresh dish dressed with something punchy. However, the avocados must have the correct ripeness to make this dish work. 

It's best to use avocados that aren't overly soft, which I know can sometimes be a feat. I like buying unripe avocados and gently squeezing them daily to check for ripeness. When the firmness is no longer there, I move them to the fridge, where the ripening process slows dramatically. Using this process makes the avocados less likely to be bruised and/or overripe when you use them.

Vinegar + Butter, a lovely combination

Like a vinaigrette, the butter lends creamy richness to the vinegar's tart flavor. The flavor of this combination can be altered by the type of vinegar used. For bolder flavor, I prefer sherry vinegar, while in a dish like this avocado salad, I reach for a lighter vinegar, such as rice or champagne. These vinegars allow the avocado to shine still. 

Beyond the traditional vinegar, fruit-based vinegar can also play nicely. Persimmon, apricot, and pear are great when paired with butter. 

This combination is excellent for dressing grains, eggs, and roasted or grilled vegetables.

Layer it up

The simplicity of this dish allows plenty of space for riffing. 

  • Frittata: My first introduction to this combination came from a frittata recipe from Deborah Madison. She spooned the vinegar butter in her recipe over a finished frittata- so good!
  • Greens-Based Salad: If you want to add heft but keep the spirit of the dish, add a head of butter lettuce or a few handfuls of baby arugula. This is a great way to keep the dish simple, but feed a few more people if you like. 
  • Summer Mix: If summer abundance is in your favor, toss the avocado with charred corn, roasted tomatoes, and/or minced chiles
  • Cooked Grains: Finally, layer the avocado over cooked grains such as emmer, quinoa, or barley. 

Serving Ideas

  • Pizza: I often make this recipe when I'm cooking pizza. It's minimal effort but adds a fresh pairing to a pizza dinner. 
  • Skewers: Similar to pizza, this avocado salad is a lovely side for grilled skewers, especially halloumi or other fried-cheese-based options. 
  • Eggs: For a morning option, pair with fried eggs or use as a topping for an omelet.
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4 servings
If ever there's a combination that deserves a second mention in the zine, it's the vinegar butter first paired with grilled asparagus in Issue 4. The fat from the butter balances perfectly with the punch of the vinegar. Here, it's drizzled over just-ripe avocados for a dish that's sure to be an instant hit.
  • 2 just-ripe avocados
  • 1 teaspoon toasted sesame seeds
  • ½ teaspoon smoked salt
Vinegar Butter
  • 3 tablespoons unsalted butter ((42g))
  • 1 tablespoon rice vinegar ((14g))
  1. To prep the avocados: Quarter the avocados lengthwise, removing the pit. Peel the avocados and cut each piece in half lengthwise—place in a small serving bowl and set aside.
  2. To make the vinegar butter: Melt the butter in a small skillet. Once it starts to foam, add the vinegar. Swirl the pan to combine the ingredients, then immediately drizzle over the avocado. Toss to coat.
  3. To serve: Sprinkle everything with the sesame seeds and smoked salt, then serve immediately.

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Welcome to my little internet nook. On this site you'll find over a thousand vegetarian recipes, pantry knowledge, and more. I'm ever obsessed with food from gardening, cooking, and preserving. I hope you'll find endless inspiration on these pages and visit often. 

Virtual hugs, Erin (aka: e.l.l.a.)

a few good grain recipes

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